दैनिकीले हामीलाइ कवि, लेखक र दार्शनिक बनाउदाेरहेछ । यहाँ जे मनमा अाउँछ तेही लेखिएकाे छ ।
फेरी पनि लाेप्पा
सम्भिधन सभाको चुनावले अव देशमा शान्ती ल्याउला भन्ने अाशमा बसेका म जस्ता धेरै नेपालीलाई फेरी एक पटक लोप्पा ख्वाउने काम भएको छ... जनअान्दोलन २ को सपना साकार बनाउनु भन्दा अाफ्नो अडान लिएर जनतालाई फेरी एक पटक गु बनाउने काम भयो . अब यसको बिरोध गर्नु र् नयाँ सपना बुन्नू बाहेक अरु बिकल्प हामीसँग छैन त्यसैले अब फेरी एक पटक जनता जागने बेला भयो
Time heals and teaches us the lesson
One who goes through the travel advisory issued by US government, hardly makes up mind to visit Nepal thinking harsher tone it contains. Tourists make idea about Nepal as ruined country where you can be stranded anytime anywhere, law and order are the words taken out from dictionary etc, etc. A US couple whom I met a month back in an Annapurna Trek, told me this country has lot ot offer, and the travel advisory is simply a bull shit! They opined that in a political ground their country is issuing travel advisory, which has marred tourism industry for last few years. Thanks to the April revolution of last year, and the consequences which came further simultaneously, people are breathing an air of relief. This change magnamus is still to convince US policy makers that the country is secured for tourists. It is point to be noted that even during insurgency period, when US tourists were said to be targeted by the revolutionists, not a single US citizen was harmed. This fact speaks volume to all, and infact my writing is just a waste of time in convincing the same.
Monday's firing episode was not a new in US context. The country like us, which has been facing stringent travel advisory, on which the events are described which have taaken place couple of years back and the potential tourists are cautioned of visiting, plead such unhuman act be stopped forever. Poles apart before issuing any travel advisory US government should also pay a glance on geometric repercussion we Nepali wud be left to survive with.
We dont claim Nepal to be the safest place in the world, but point to be noted is what alley and corner of the world is safe? So let us get across this unhhuman act and behaviour. Let us correct attitude and let us be judged on the grounds of reality rather than polical stand.
May the country of the wisets' have a wise..
Monday's firing episode was not a new in US context. The country like us, which has been facing stringent travel advisory, on which the events are described which have taaken place couple of years back and the potential tourists are cautioned of visiting, plead such unhuman act be stopped forever. Poles apart before issuing any travel advisory US government should also pay a glance on geometric repercussion we Nepali wud be left to survive with.
We dont claim Nepal to be the safest place in the world, but point to be noted is what alley and corner of the world is safe? So let us get across this unhhuman act and behaviour. Let us correct attitude and let us be judged on the grounds of reality rather than polical stand.
May the country of the wisets' have a wise..